The Good Grace Foundation is a not for profit organization, established in 2015, which is committed to supporting individuals, communities and organizations to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
The Good Grace Foundation is currently supporting local communities and schools in the UK, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Bethlehem and Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.
Our Story
The Good Grace Foundation has been established since 2015. The aim of the Foundation when we began was to provide support and opportunities for access to land/green spaces, education, employment and skills.
We’ve worked locally and internationally developing projects which have provided access to education, employment and training based around agriculture, susainability and global citizenship.
We are currently working with primary schools in the UK, Nepal, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and the West Bank. Over the next five years, our mission is to develop our international schools programme further, encouraging young people to become global citizens as well as to continue to support local communities develop sustainable opportunities.
We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
Find us on facebook - Good Grace Foundation